Supporting small business with online training courses
Are you looking for a little bit of extra support to help your business thrive online? We're running a number of online training courses to support small local businesses.
With a maximum attendance of 5 participants in each session, the sessions will be informative and collaborative, understanding the requirements for each particular business.
Register your interest in our courses below to be sent details of the next available session.
Social Media Strategy & Content Creation
Learn how to create a social media strategy to grow your business & create great content to engage with your audience.
Cost: £60 + VAT with up to 1 hour individual support.
In detail: This short session will help you understand all the elements needed to create a social media strategy based on the relevant platforms and content for your audience. It will also show you Canva a free tool that enables you to create great supporting graphics for all your posts.
Website Keywords, Content & SEO
Understand what keywords are, how they are relevant to your content & how to ensure your website is optimised for search engines.
Cost: £90 + vat with up to 1 hour individual support.
In detail: This short session will help you understand all the elements needed to create a social media strategy based on the relevant platforms and content for your audience. It will also show you Canva a free tool that enables you to create great supporting graphics for all your posts.
Setting Up & Optimising your Website with WIX
Understand how to get your website up & running with WIX.
Cost: £120 + VAT with up to 1 hour individual support.
In detail: In this short session you will understand who to create a WIX website from a template, how to amend and add features. You will understand the importance of SEO and the limitations of WIX as well as how to use some of the supporting tools to manage your business.
CRMs & Email Marketing
Understand what a CRM is, why it’s important for your business and how to link it to email marketing to maximise your marketing approach.
Cost: £90 + VAT with up to 1 hour individual support.
In detail: In this short session you will understand what Customer Relationship Management (CRM) really means and how it can help grow your business. We will look at HubSpot CRM in particular as well as Mail Chimp looking in particular at using email marketing to engage with your audience.
Register your Interest
Register your interest in one of our online training courses and we will notify you with the next available dates.